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YOU are an Influencer! So Lead Well

“Lead and They Will Follow”

How you choose to show up each day, influences the people around you. Think about that long and hard right now… You may not realize how important it is or how influential you are. But you have the opportunity to influence people in your personal and professional life every single day. That’s powerful and it’s not to be taken lightly. Yet most people never ever stop to think about the fact that their words, energy, and actions are influencing others.

I recently hosted a training for my online community to help them learn how to thrive during uncertain times because the truth is, life is uncertain and none of us are exempt from having to deal with uncertainty in our lives. Through the training I was able to guide and lead others by giving them a new way to think about uncertainty. I also shared tools they could utilize to better navigate through uncertainty when it arises. Then I challenged them to level up and be a strong role models for others in difficult situations as well.  

It was interesting to observe how many people had never really thought about how they might actually be influencing others.

What about you…

When you are dealing with a difficult situation in your personal life, think of the level of influence you have that’s going to affect how your family or your friends might handle the situation. Are you being a positive influence?

How about in your professional life? Whether you’re working virtually or in person; for a company or as an entrepreneur… What are others hearing, seeing or experiencing from you when you’re working together, especially if you are in a leadership position?

Truthfully, whether you realize it or not, you’ve likely always influenced others around you. You don’t have to be a motivational speaker, a guru or someone who calls themselves “an influencer” on social media just to be influential… you are an influencer! We all are…

So what kind of influencer are you? How are you leading others? 

What are you teaching those around you to think or believe? Are you challenging people to grow and behave in a positive way or are you a negative influence that role models bad habits and debilitating thoughts?

Influence is a topic that I’m very passionate about because in my career as a coach and in my personal life, especially as a parent, I have the opportunity to be a strong role model and highly influential. And I don’t take that responsibility lightly. It’s an honor and a joy to help someone think differently and challenge them to live their best life. So I try to be very intentional and in integrity with my purpose when I am being an influencer. And honestly part of how I practice that is in doing the best I can to live by and role model the same high-performance habits I teach others.

Over the next few weeks, our new series will be all about INFLUENCE. So be sure you are subscribed to the blog. If you already receiving my weekly emails, then you’re already in. If not, then you can subscribe AND get free access to the “Achieve Success System 7-Day Starter Kit” HERE!

Plus, if you know you want to lead well by being a positive influence in your own life and for others, then let me help you get started. CLICK HERE to schedule a short Discovery Call to see if you are a good fit to join the Success Mastery Community. If you qualify, you could be eligible to receive one of FIVE scholarships I’m giving out to new members this month. 

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Michelle Weimer Coaching, Inc.

*Don't worry, I respect your privacy. Your information will not be shared. And you can unsubscribe at any time but you get to keep the Achieve Success System 7-Day Starter Kit forever! 


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