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April Showers Bring May Flowers

“Nurture your dreams as a gardener nurtures his plants.” ~Vridhi

We typically see a lot of moisture during spring. Being from Colorado this often comes in the form of snow, but it is moisture nonetheless. And seeing the tulips popping out from beneath the snow brings a sense of hope and excitement for what’s to come.

A very good friend (whom I always think of fondly around Earth Day, because she loved gardening) said to me one day, years ago, as we were talking about some plants that I was sure were dead... "All they really want to do is live, you just have to help them along and give them a chance."

I’ve never forgotten that. It was so profound to me because, truly, isn’t that what all of us want? We want to live and thrive. And sometimes, we just need a bit of help or support along the way. We need to be reminded not to give up on our hopes and dreams, instead, we need to nurture them. Just think of how you and your dreams might be able to grow and flourish with some tender loving care. You'd be amazed at how you just might bloom. (I can't wait to see what the moisture does for the plants I have planted. Grow, flowers, grow!)

Anyway, as I watch the moisture come down throughout spring, it makes me think about how we water or tend to our lives. Are you giving yourself the right things to make your life and your dreams grow in beautiful ways? Sprinkling positivity and optimism. Or are you like so many others, who dump toxic nonsense on themselves? Whether in the form of negative self-talk, fear, worry, stress or anxiety. Are you surrounded by a bunch of weeds – people or situations that are stifling your growth. Or perhaps you are just someone that neglects your needs altogether. Never bothering to care for or nurture yourself.

If you do not take time to cultivate, nurture or even water your hopes and dreams; they’ll dry up and die on the vine.  But when you remember to give them a little TLC, it’s amazing what wonderful things happen. Even dreams that might have been lying dormant for a season, have the potential to bloom.

So in honor of Earth Day next week, think about what kind of gardening you need to do in your life. Do you just need a little water? Do you need to pull some “weeds”? Or do you really need to get in there and nurture your body, mind and soul?  Figure out what you need to grow and flourish, then do it for yourself. Cultivate and nurture the hopes and dreams you may have been neglecting. You might just be amazed at how quickly they perk back up and grow into something truly beautiful. After all, my friend was right, those plants are still alive to this day, and with every passing year, they thrive and grow even more.

***Ready to nurture yourself and let your flowers grow, check out the Heroic Performance App today!

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Michelle Weimer Coaching, Inc.

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