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April Showers Bring May Flowers

“Nurture your dreams as a gardener nurtures his plants.” ~Vridhi

We typically see a lot of moisture during spring. Being from Colorado this often comes in the form of snow, but it is moisture nonetheless. And seeing the tulips popping out from beneath the snow brings a sense of hope and excitement for what’s to come.

A very good friend (whom I always think of fondly around Earth Day, because she loved gardening) said to me one day, years ago, as we were talking about some plants that I was sure were dead... "All they really want to do is live, you just have to help them along and give them a chance."

I’ve never forgotten that. It was so profound to me because, truly, isn’t that what all of us want? We want to live and thrive. And sometimes, we just need a bit of help or support along the way. We need to be reminded not to give up on our hopes and dreams, instead, we need to nurture them. Just think of how you and your dreams might be able to grow...

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Change Starts with You and Change Starts Now

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi  

Wouldn’t it be great if you could flip a switch and change the world? I’ve often thought about how nice it would be, to be able to rid the world of all negativities.

Of course, I know there’s no magical solution but what I do know is that there are a few simple concepts that, when practiced regularly, could change your life a bit for the better and perhaps the lives of others around you. And quite honestly, I think our world could use some change so why not let it start with each of us?   

Before I go on, please know that this is not a political post, nor is it a declaration of me thinking I have the answers to change the world. It’s simply a viewpoint on a couple fun and simple steps we can all take to be better and be kinder. And no matter what your beliefs are, I would hope you always strive for kindness and to be your best. So please read on…

Be Present ...

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The Two Wolves Within

“Some of the greatest battles will be fought within the silent chambers of your own soul.” ~Ezra Taft Benson

I was speaking with a client recently about an internal struggle she was having with her thoughts and emotions around a situation she’s dealing with right now. She is a caring and giving woman to others but never that kind to herself. And of course, as we all know, when frustration or fear are involved, our thoughts can become our own worst enemy. Can you relate? I know I sure can. 

Anyway, as we talked through her coaching session it reminded me of the old parable of the two wolves. I asked her if she’d ever heard the story and she had not. I did my best to tell it from my memory. (It’s been about 20 years since I’d heard it.) Then told her I’d find the story and send it to her. To which I went to my old trusty friend Google to search for it.

And sure enough, I found it right away. But as with any good Google search, I was soon...

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