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Action Eliminates Anxiety

"Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action."  ~ Walter Anderson

I’m sure you can recall times in your own life when you many have been anxious or worried about something. And that anxiety might have caused some stress, irritability or general restlessness. Perhaps even a physical response like sleeplessness, a headache or an upset stomach. It happened to me just recently...

I was working on a big project that was taking me longer than I’d have liked because I was catching myself agonizing over small parts and not moving the project forward. I finally had to have a serious talk with myself and take some direct actions to get it finished. Of course, then, the anxiety was gone. Just that quick and truly, just that easy. But what about when anxiety persists? Increased or continual anxiety can be a serious issue. What starts out as misdirected energy can turn into insomnia, acid reflux, headaches, depression or even full out panic attacks. Anxiety and worry...

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Journey to Joy

"The journey to joy begins with acceptance." ~ Margaret Feinberg

Ever have one of those days when nothing seems to go right? Kinda makes you cranky, doesn't it? But what if you just accepted it and laughed it off? Could it be possible to find joy even when life seems to be unraveling?

Let’s get one thing straight about this week’s quote, it does not mean that you should settle for whatever or wherever you are in life. But rather, I believe it means that once you face where you are with acceptance of the situation – whether good or bad – you can put your energy into adapting and advancing. In other words, instead of wasting time and energy staying stuck in the problem, you just acknowledge it and then you can begin to shift your focus to the solution and moving forward into a more joyful life.

Let’s face it, life does not always turn out exactly as we’d like. There are plenty of mistakes, disappointments and failures all along the way....

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Overcoming and Growing through Life's Ups and Downs

“Grow through what you go through.”

Well, spring is here! My family is home for spring break, and we are busy planting, playing, loving and working. In other words, we are enjoying life.

Although the reality is, life can be chaotic and full of hardships, disappointments, and trials. I was thinking about this recently as my youngest daughter is nearing the end of her senior year. Time has flown by, and we are about to embark on a new chapter of our lives. That’s a challenge for me because I know she will be leaving soon. But instead of choosing to stay stuck; rejecting change, and resisting the future, I went through a process that I want to share with you today. I set into motion a series of steps that have pushed me past the bittersweet pain that change often brings and on to making the most of the life I have while I work towards embracing the future that is before me.

In general, it can be easy to get stuck in the trap of...

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Practice Positive Habits

“Our habits shape who we become and the results we create in the world.” ~ Lewis Howes

I’ve been writing all month about resolutions and how to create resolutions that work. But when it all boils down to it, keeping your resolutions is really about creating habits in your life that serve you to your highest potential and help you create the results you want.

Think about this…

We all have good and bad habits, right? When you think of habits, you might think of those that are easy to identify – such as good habits like brushing your teeth every day or bad habits like biting your nails. But have you ever thought about the fact that behaviors such as negative self-talk, procrastination, stress eating, hitting the snooze button, and even people pleasing are also habits? Likewise, things like scheduling and planning your day, being fully present with people, keeping a positive mindset or taking intentional breaks to improve your mental and physical...

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Every Drop Matters

"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop."  ~ Mother Teresa

Do you often feel like nothing you do really matters? Do you feel like you're fighting a losing battle - one step forward and two steps back? In today’s climate, it can be easy to lose all hope for the future - for your future, the future of those around you and the future of the world.

But don't lose heart! What you are doing does matter! Every single action, no matter how big or small, matters. It may be hard to see at first, but with consistent action, you will see change.

My family and I love to vacation in warm climates which might be because this time of year we often find ourselves surrounded by snow! And I don't really like being cold. I'd much rather be lying on a beach, basking in the sun and playing in the ocean. I remember the last time we got away to spend a few days doing just that...

It was a great trip. So...

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Multitasking Is A Lie

“To do two things at once, is to do neither.” Publilius Syrus

To continue responding to the messages from my recent blog about how to organize your day for maximum efficiency, this week I’ll be talking about a statement I made that caused a bit of a stir with some people. I said that, multi-tasking does not work. (“Multitasking is a Lie.")

Of course, I had a couple of people tell me that they are great at multitasking. Which, I’m sure they are. But being good at something that isn’t a good thing… still doesn’t make for an effective practice. (It’s kind of like saying you’re good at drinking. Doesn’t mean getting drunk is good for you.)

There is a common misconception that multitasking is a great way to get more done in a shorter period of time. Quite the contrary actually. Multitasking is really not as time efficient as you’d think. As a matter of fact, studies show that the time it takes you to complete...

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Organize Your Day for Maximum Efficiency 

With organization comes empowerment.”  ~ Lynda Peterson

If you had a dollar for every task on your To-Do List, would you be a millionaire? If you are like most people (myself included) you probably have a million things you want to get done. But of course, the reality is that there are only so many hours in the day so you have to choose what will get your time. And if you read last week’s post, you know that choosing how you spend your time is ultimately, how you spend your life. And that… is priceless; so you must choose wisely.

You must visualize your goals and prioritize your tasks. But once you’ve done that, if you really want to spend your time well, you’ve got to organize your day with maximum efficiency. So if you are someone that has a long To-Do List that never seems to end or you have a hard time staying focused and on task, its time you maximize your time and get more done in your day.

Last week I told you I’d be ...

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Practical Guide to Personal Freedom

“You can only be you when you do your best. When you don’t do your best you are denying yourself the right to be you. That’s a seed that you should really nurture in your mind. You don’t need knowledge or great philosophical concepts. You don’t need the acceptance of others. You express your own divinity by being alive and by loving yourself and others.” ~ Don Miguel Ruiz

Have you ever wished you had a practical guide that could tell you how to live a life of personal freedom in just a few simple steps? Would you commit to following it if you knew it could be that simple? Good news! It can be…

There’s a reason Don Miguel Ruiz’s book, The Four Agreements, spent over 10 years on the New York Times Bestseller List and sold nearly 7 million copies… It’s an inspiring book with a phenomenal message that offers a practical guide to creating personal freedom. Who wouldn’t want that kind of transformative information...

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Own Your Personality Types - Change Your Character Traits

“Personality can open doors, but only character can keep them open.” ~ Elmer G. Letterman

This week we’re talking about personality types and owning who you are but also showing up however you want to be.

In the early 70’s Carl Jung developed a theory about personality types. Maybe you remember taking a personality test somewhere throughout your life, to identify your personality types. Perhaps you were an ISFP or an EITJ or somewhere in between… it doesn’t matter. They are all good in their own way. No one personality type is better than the other. Unless of course you perceive it that way. So, if there’s something about your personality type you don’t like, then let me tell you how to change the character traits that go with your personality so you can show up as your best self.

Many believe strongly that personality types can’t be changed, yet some theories say they can. I’m not here to argue that… But I do...

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To Persist or to Persevere, that is the Question…

"Definition of Insanity - Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." ~ Albert Einstein

The action of being persistent can often mean you are doing the same thing over and over. Sometimes that can be good but sometimes, not so much. Take for example the analogy I love to give my clients: If you keep putting the same ingredients in your cake, you will keep getting the same cake. If you want a different cake, you have to put in different ingredients. When being persistent with something, it's important to know when enough is enough and you need to try something new to reach your goal. Especially when that cake you're making is really not the cake you want to be eating at all!

The illusion that the ability to persist is always a virtue has caused people to stay in toxic relationships with people they don’t respect, put up with jobs they hate, and generally just continue to perform the same painful action over and over again, in hopes that...

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