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Vision and Action Move Dreams to Reality

“In order to make a visualization a reality in the world of form, you must be willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.” ~ Wayne Dyer

You’re clear about your future identity and your ideal future. You’re committed to your visualization practice. So now what?

Well, the power of manifestation is not complete until you take action. Yes, you can visualize yourself owning a successful company, vacationing in exotic places, having a fit body, doing a TED Talk, being in a loving relationship, etc. but without action they stay dreams. Visualization gives you clarity and confidence to take action when the opportunities you're manifesting show up. And then, it is the actions you take when those opportunities present themselves, that turn your vision into reality. But you will not see results without action.  

For example, let’s say you’ve visualized yourself being an Olympic athlete. You can dream and visualize it all you want. But you aren’t going to just wake up one day as an Olympic athlete. You must also put action into training. However, if you keep dreaming, visualizing AND taking action by training… then on the day when the opportunity shows up for you to qualify for that Olympic event… you are ready! And you can do it. But not without first taking action to make that dream a reality.

Of course, I truly do believe that there is something powerful to visualizing and manifesting your dreams. I wouldn’t have spent the last couple weeks on the topic if I didn’t. But I also believe that without action, they remain dreams and rarely reach reality.

So, by all means, create your future identity and visualize your future. But don’t forget to take action! And if you notice that you’re hesitating to take that action, then reconfirm your future identity – what would that future version of you do? Plus keep feeling every aspect of the future you want to create. Let that feeling and emotion move you into action. And of course, let the visualization techniques I’ve shared over the last couple of weeks be a powerful generator of confidence, courage and motivation for your actions.

When you harness the power of your subconscious mind through visualization, practice habits of high performance and take consistent action to affirm and achieve your goals, you’ll be amazed at how much your life shifts into a new reality that you might have never before thought possible.   

 If you don't feel like you're shifting your future as quickly as you'd like, let me help you clarify your vision and amp up your actions so you can start moving your dreams into reality today! Schedule your Strategy Session HERE!

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Michelle Weimer Coaching, Inc.

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