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Action Eliminates Anxiety

"Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action."  ~ Walter Anderson

I’m sure you can recall times in your own life when you many have been anxious or worried about something. And that anxiety might have caused some stress, irritability or general restlessness. Perhaps even a physical response like sleeplessness, a headache or an upset stomach. It happened to me just recently...

I was working on a big project that was taking me longer than I’d have liked because I was catching myself agonizing over small parts and not moving the project forward. I finally had to have a serious talk with myself and take some direct actions to get it finished. Of course, then, the anxiety was gone. Just that quick and truly, just that easy. But what about when anxiety persists? Increased or continual anxiety can be a serious issue. What starts out as misdirected energy can turn into insomnia, acid reflux, headaches, depression or even full out panic attacks. Anxiety and worry...

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Holiday Coping

"Sometimes it’s okay if the only thing you did today was breathe." ~Yumi Sakugawa

The holidays can be emotional for many people, especially if you’re going through a difficult time. We each fight our own unseen battles everyday no matter how big or small, and the holidays can bring about a lot of additional stress which in turn can cause emotions to escalate.

Whether you are grieving the loss of a loved one or struggling through another hardship like a broken relationship, a lack of direction, a failed business, an illness, a family quarrel or even grieving the dreams for your future hopes that did not come to pass this year, I want you to know that’s it’s okay to honor your grief and sadness. But I don’t want you to get stuck in it.

So today, just breathe... as I share some caring tips for coping with grief, depression or other strong negative emotions throughout the holidays this year.

If you are struggling this holiday season for any reason, please...

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Release Negative Emotions and Increase Positive Energy

“Positive emotional energy is the key to health, happiness and wellbeing. The more positive you are, the better your life will be in every area.” ~Brian Tracy

This month we’ll be focusing on Energy because I want to help you understand just how important energy is to your overall happiness and success.

I’m fairly certain most people don’t take care to maintain near high enough levels of energy. The majority don’t even realize just how many different types of energy we carry. For most people, when they hear talk of energy, the first (and often only) thing they think about is physical energy or physical health. And yes, that is extremely important. However, that is only one facet of our energy that we must care for. So instead of kicking off this topic with that most common, physical energy (even though of course, improving our physical wellbeing is essential) I want to begin with something different that you might not even be aware of.

See, in...

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Gratitude Does the Mind, Body and Soul Good!

“It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.” ~David Steindl-Rast

Last week I gave you an interesting statistic on the power of gratitude… I shared that people who have a gratitude practice of writing down at least 5 things they are grateful for once a week can boost their happiness by as much as 25% in as little as 10 weeks. Which is a compelling statistic in and of itself. But today I want to share a few more facts with you about the power of gratitude. (Just in case a 25% increase in happiness isn’t enough to convince you that it’s worth it to have a gratitude practice.)  

So Robert Emmons, who is one of the world’s leading researchers on the science of gratitude along with his colleague Mike McCollough were the first researchers to discover the profound benefits of gratitude through their studies.

What they found was that people who regularly cultivate gratitude “experience a multitude of...

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Free Yourself from Mom Guilt

"The very fact that you worry about being a good mom means that you already are one." ~ Jodi Picoult

Mother’s Day is this weekend. A time to honor moms for all they do throughout the year. But for many moms, there’s an internal struggle that occurs between accepting and enjoying that recognition and the ever-so-strong mom guilt that tells them they don’t deserve all the love and praise because they don’t do enough. If you’ve ever experienced a similar guilt, you’re not alone.

These feelings are normal – I don’t know a mom (or dad) who doesn’t experience them from time to time. Even if you aren’t a parent, odds are high you’ve experienced a form of this guilt at some point in your life. (Just replace parenting children with what’s at the root of your own guilt – i.e., family, friends, business, school, work, etc.) But in honor of the upcoming holiday, I’ll be focusing on mom guilt here. So if your...

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Letting Go of Tension by Living with Intention – BONUS

“I’ve learned that you can’t have everything and do everything at the same time.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

Throughout this month I’ve given you several simple but powerful ideas to intentionally incorporate self-care into your life, in an effort to help you let go of the tension, stress and overwhelm that life seems to hand us on a regular basis.

But all that I’ve given you are just theory and words if you don’t put it into practice. So, it’s time for a little accountability check right here… How intentional have you been? Which of the practices have you tried? Which have you started consistently using? If you don’t like your answers, read on… because I have three BONUS ideas for you to help you level up your intention so you can let go of tension.

Consistent – Consistency is the key to creating new habits. If you aren’t consistently practicing the concepts I’ve shared with you or started your own...

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Letting Go of Tension by Living with Intention – Part III

The rhythm of life is intricate but orderly, tenacious but fragile. To keep that in mind is to build the key to survival. ~ Shirley Hufstedler

This week is the last of our mini-series on letting go of tension by living with intention… And I am so excited to share these last three big ideas with you because these three are foundational game changers when it comes to regular self-care. Once again, just like the other concepts I’ve shared thus far, they are so simple, yet so profound and powerful. These three concepts, when utilized effectively, can help you implement a consistent self-care practice that will have you feeling more balanced and peaceful in your daily life no matter what you might be facing.

Now of course, the first two parts of this mini-series were all about incorporating small self-care activities into your life to help you eliminate symptoms of stress, anxiety, overwhelm, etc. But keep in mind that perhaps the best way to eliminate tension isn’t...

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Letting Go of Tension by Living with Intention – Part II

“Be like a tree. Stay grounded. Connect with your roots. Turn over a new leaf. Bend before you break. Enjoy your unique natural beauty. Keep growing.” ~ Joanne Rapits

Last week I shared three of my favorite ways to let go of tension and live with intention through super simple and quick daily self-care practices. I hope you gave them a try because this week, as promised, I want to share a few more.

The great thing about the concepts that I’m sharing with you through this mini-series is that they do not require big changes or much time. The truth is - small shifts can produce big results. If you commit to consistently being intentional with even a few of these simple practices, I believe you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the profound difference they can create within you.

With that being said, let me share three more powerful but simple ways to intentionally practice self-care and relieve tension:  

Ground Yourself – This can be done in...

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Letting Go of Tension by Living with Intention – Part I

“If we pause and breathe in and out, then we can have the experience of timeless presence, of the inexpressible wisdom and goodness of our own minds. We can look at the world with fresh eyes and hear things with fresh ears.” ~Pema Chodron

Let’s face it… life is demanding! We live in a fast-paced world where busyness and overcommitment are rewarded. Where the drive to get ahead has us feeling like we are always behind. And where there are so many obligations and expectations required of us that our lives feel consumed by stress and overwhelm.

Which is why it’s essential to learn how to let go of tension and instead, live with intention if you really want to feel joyful and fulfilled in life. If you want a sense of peace and contentment in your outer world, you’ve got to begin with your own self-care.

Whether it be an intentional act of caring for our mental, emotional, or physical health, practicing self-care is not a luxury, it’s a...

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The When-Then Principle

“Begin each day with a little courage, a little curiosity and a little spring in your step.”  ~ Doe Zantamata

What excites you and gives you a little spring in your step? Are you doing these things regularly? If not, then what are you waiting for?

It’s so easy to go through life on auto pilot. Following a mundane routine, day in and day out. But what if you had the opportunity to make life a little more exciting? What would make you happy and put a little spring in your step today or this week?

If you find yourself living by the “When-Then Principle” as I like to call it, then I want to invite you to reevaluate what’s really important to you and make a plan to change the way you are living.

So, you ask… what is the “When-Then Principle”? Well, it’s that rule of life that you follow when you find yourself always saying, “When I __________ then I’ll __________” You can fill in the blanks any way...

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