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Masterful Mindsets

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Journey to Joy

"The journey to joy begins with acceptance." ~ Margaret Feinberg

Ever have one of those days when nothing seems to go right? Kinda makes you cranky, doesn't it? But what if you just accepted it and laughed it off? Could it be possible to find joy even when life seems to be unraveling?

Let’s get one thing straight about this week’s quote, it does not mean that you should settle for whatever or wherever you are in life. But rather, I believe it means that once you face where you are with acceptance of the situation – whether good or bad – you can put your energy into adapting and advancing. In other words, instead of wasting time and energy staying stuck in the problem, you just acknowledge it and then you can begin to shift your focus to the solution and moving forward into a more joyful life.

Let’s face it, life does not always turn out exactly as we’d like. There are plenty of mistakes, disappointments and failures all along the way....

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Rest, Be Inspired, Be Productive

"Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is rest and let your angels wrap you in their loving wings. They've got you covered." ~ Anna Taylor

Where do you get your inspiration from? How do you stay productive, especially when you're overwhelmed and exhausted?

I've got to admit something to you... I was feeling less than inspired to write this week's Masterful Mindset. I started writing four different blog posts this week. I even wrote the word "poop" after a long pause in a sentence, as I was trying to think of what to say. (Yes, sometimes my posts require a lot of editing before you see them.) 

I also wrote down nine - yes - NINE different quotes, looking for inspiration. I got nothing... then I decided to just sit on my back porch and watch the sun set. Partially because I was so frustrated that I just had to stop but mostly because I knew it was a sure sign that I needed a break. I've had a lot going on lately... and I've been working long hours. (Can you relate?) It...

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Change Starts with You and Change Starts Now

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi  

Wouldn’t it be great if you could flip a switch and change the world? I’ve often thought about how nice it would be, to be able to rid the world of all negativities.

Of course, I know there’s no magical solution but what I do know is that there are a few simple concepts that, when practiced regularly, could change your life a bit for the better and perhaps the lives of others around you. And quite honestly, I think our world could use some change so why not let it start with each of us?   

Before I go on, please know that this is not a political post, nor is it a declaration of me thinking I have the answers to change the world. It’s simply a viewpoint on a couple fun and simple steps we can all take to be better and be kinder. And no matter what your beliefs are, I would hope you always strive for kindness and to be your best. So please read on…

Be Present ...

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Want More Happiness in Life? Start with Gratitude for Life

“If you need something to be grateful for then check your pulse. Always be thankful for the gift of life.” ~unknown 

My birthday is this week, and I will admit, I have moments periodically when I feel a little ho-hum about getting older. It’s usually when my body or brain doesn’t allow me to do some of the things I used to do with ease…

I tried to “limbo” under our split rail fence recently and wasn’t sure I was going to get back up. I’m sure if my husband watched the security camera, he got a good laugh.

Anyway, my point is, that it’s easy to take life and all its moments for granted. We can be quick to complain about the passing moments without appreciating them. But life is made up of all those moments, the good and the not so good. And aging… well, that’s a gift that not everyone gets to experience. Yet most people are quick to complain about it instead of being thankful that they get to breathe...

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Declare Freedom from What's Ruling Your Life

“If you dare declare that you are free, free you are this moment. If you say you are bound, bound you will remain.” ~Swami Vivekananda

We just celebrated Independence Day here in the US and with it the reminder of our freedom. So, in honor of the holiday, I thought I’d focus on this concept of freedom. And perhaps help you shed some light on what it is that might be keeping you from having a sense of freedom in your own life at times.

We’ve all had things in our lives that weigh us down or make us feel trapped. And it can be difficult to see a way out when you are feeling stuck. But there is always a way to create a better sense of fulfillment and freedom in your life! It may not always be easy. And often people would rather stay stuck where they are, than make the effort to change themselves or their situations, but if you are someone that is tired of feeling caged in certain areas of your life, then please know, it is possible to achieve a sense of...

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THE Essential Holiday Survival Tip

"Expectation is the root of all heartache."   ~ William Shakespeare

When was the last time you stopped to think about what was most important to you during the holiday season? Often, we get so caught up in everything we think we must do that we forget what’s really important. And because of all that holiday stress and pressure to do more, the holidays end up being a holiday hassle rather than a joy.

So, if you’re finding that the holidays aren’t always so jolly and bright for you, don’t dismay. You are not alone! As a matter of fact, studies show that at least 88% of people experience high levels of what is becoming known as “Festive Stress”. Many of the common reasons are family turmoil, depression, overeating, financial strain and in a nutshell, unrealistic expectations about what the holidays should be. 

The good news is, I have one indispensable holiday survival tip that if you can implement, is going to help you...

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Reminders from Camp Jackson

“When you are here and now, sitting totally, not jumping ahead, the miracle has happened. To be in the moment is the miracle.” ~ Osho

This past week marked the end of another era in my family’s lives. My youngest daughter’s middle school years officially came to an end and now my husband and I find ourselves as parents of two high school students! I can hardly believe that our girls have grown up so fast but here we are, with a senior and a freshman. It seems like just yesterday I was chaperoning the 5th grade class on an overnight camping trip to mark the end the elementary years and transition into middle school.

I was actually blessed with the honor of chaperoning both girls on their school trip to Camp Jackson. It’s a beautiful location in the mountains of Colorado that has been holding camps for close to 100 years. I can still remember it like it was yesterday… It’s always such a wonderful experience. When you take the time to be...

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