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Masterful Mindsets

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Rest, Be Inspired, Be Productive

"Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is rest and let your angels wrap you in their loving wings. They've got you covered." ~ Anna Taylor

Where do you get your inspiration from? How do you stay productive, especially when you're overwhelmed and exhausted?

I've got to admit something to you... I was feeling less than inspired to write this week's Masterful Mindset. I started writing four different blog posts this week. I even wrote the word "poop" after a long pause in a sentence, as I was trying to think of what to say. (Yes, sometimes my posts require a lot of editing before you see them.) 

I also wrote down nine - yes - NINE different quotes, looking for inspiration. I got nothing... then I decided to just sit on my back porch and watch the sun set. Partially because I was so frustrated that I just had to stop but mostly because I knew it was a sure sign that I needed a break. I've had a lot going on lately... and I've been working long hours. (Can you relate?) It...

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The Gift: Freedom to be Yourself

“The freedom to be yourself is a gift only you can give yourself. But once you do, no one can take it away.” – Doe Zantamata

Yesterday was the 4th of July, where here in the USA, it’s a time to celebrate our freedom. But for many people, they feel most captive, within. They don’t feel they have the freedom to be themselves. So instead of boldly owning who they are and proudly sharing their creative expression of self, they pretend to be someone they are not. Or they hide in the shadows - never bringing their gifts and talents to light. (Maybe you can relate.)

Think about this for a minute… How free are you to be yourself, your true self? In everything you do and all your interactions with others, are you expressing yourself freely? If not, why?

It’s easy to blame others for your lack of freedom and I get it, societal norms can be a real bitch to break free from! But perhaps you hold yourself back more than anyone. Maybe it’s...

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Does the Future Scare You?

"Trust yourself. Trust your path." ~unknown

Ever worry about the future? I know, dumb question, right? I don’t know anyone who at some point or another… sometimes or maybe always… worries about the future. It happens. So, I want to tell you about an experience I had recently in hopes that it might serve as a reminder to you that you don’t have to be afraid of the future.

See, I’ve been losing sleep lately. Yes, maybe it’s my unruly midlife hormones fluctuating up and down but on top of that, it’s the worry and fear I’ve been feeling for the future. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve also been feeling a great deal of excitement for the future. Our family is on the cusp of some big transitions....

My oldest daughter, in her second year of college, has been learning the not so fun parts of adulting and with every year that goes by, she gets closer to full adulthood with all it's responsibilities. The uncertainty of where...

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