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Holiday Coping

"Sometimes it’s okay if the only thing you did today was breathe." ~Yumi Sakugawa

The holidays can be emotional for many people, especially if you’re going through a difficult time. We each fight our own unseen battles everyday no matter how big or small, and the holidays can bring about a lot of additional stress which in turn can cause emotions to escalate.

Whether you are grieving the loss of a loved one or struggling through another hardship like a broken relationship, a lack of direction, a failed business, an illness, a family quarrel or even grieving the dreams for your future hopes that did not come to pass this year, I want you to know that’s it’s okay to honor your grief and sadness. But I don’t want you to get stuck in it.

So today, just breathe... as I share some caring tips for coping with grief, depression or other strong negative emotions throughout the holidays this year.

If you are struggling this holiday season for any reason, please read on and feel free to share this with anyone who might benefit from it.

Here are 7 things to remember when you are struggling during the holidays:

Know Your Limits – It’s good to challenge yourself a little every day otherwise you can sink farther into depression but pushing too hard and ignoring your needs is also not the solution. So set a goal for each day but don’t over-commit. Know what you can handle and give yourself permission to say “No” when you’ve reached your emotional limits.

Honor Your Needs – Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need. What if you don’t know what you need? Then say that too. A great place to start might be by taking care of yourself through rest, relaxation, meditation and prayer. Negative emotions can be exhausting so it’s important to pace yourself and plan for down time.

Honor Your Feelings – Allow the feelings to flow. You may find yourself crying at odd things. It’s okay. Allowing the feelings to flow through is a healthy way to heal. Holding emotions in, is not. Journaling is a wonderful way to let your feelings flow. And to shift those feelings, you might try including a gratitude journal into your daily journaling practice too.

Let Go Of Judgement – Everyone handles difficulty differently. Grief and depression can show up in many ways, for many different reasons. Never judge yourself or another for what they are feeling. Judgement only creates more negative feelings and does not support anyone in a positive way. Instead, try to let go of judgement and just be kind - to yourself and others.

Do Something Different or New – Family traditions can be overwhelming when you are grieving or struggling with heartache of any kind in your life. Please don’t feel like you have to go on status quo. Life changes by the day so its okay to do things differently for the holidays. Embrace it and plan something new or different that you can enjoy when the norms are just too much? (Who knows, it could turn into a wonderful new tradition.)

Seek Support – Allow your loved ones to support and care for you. Being alone during the holidays can cause you to fall deeper into depression. But you aren’t alone. You just need to seek support; especially if you are feeling completely hopeless, overwhelmingly depressed or in dire despair, please seek help from a support group or mental health professional.

Be Support – So many people fight battles we don't see. In the last few years the rates of mental health, substance abuse, and suicidal ideations have increased dramatically. So, one way to boost your own spirits is to boost someone else’s. Seek out ways to help others during this time and you’ll be surprised at how good it feels to be support for others who are struggling this holiday season too.

Be gentle with yourself or anyone you know who is having a difficult time this holiday season. Follow the tips above and only do what you feel comfortable doing. Be support for others who are struggling this holiday season when you can and know that I am here to support you too. I hope this helps you cope with the holidays a bit better but most importantly… I wish you peace and hope for the future.

 ***Don't forget to grab your Free Holiday Habits Guide! - https://www.michelleweimer.com/hp-holiday-habits 

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Michelle Weimer Coaching, Inc.

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