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This Year's Birthday Self-Reflection and Questions for You to Ponder

“At the end of our lives we all ask, Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter?”  ~ Brendon Burchard

Every year on my birthday, I like to take time to reflect on my life. Honestly, some years I spend the entire month in reflection. It’s a fun way to celebrate and be grateful while also seeking ways to make the next year even better. And this year is no different. However, what has been different is that this week I have had the opportunity to spend it with one of my mentors, Brendon Burchard and a group of fellow Certified High-Performance Coaches™.

We get together every year for training and this year it happened to fall on the week of my birthday. Unfortunately, this year we are once again meeting only virtually, but in the past we’ve all been able to be in a room together sharing love, wisdom, energy and an intense passion for helping people live their best lives. (It’s a training but it also feels a bit like a celebration!)

Anyway, as I sat to journal on the questions that I might want to ponder for my birthday self-reflection, I found that something Brendon always talks about kept coming up for me…

If you’ve ever heard his story, then you know he had a life altering moment when he narrowly escaped death and upon being given that second chance at life, asked the questions, “Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter?” And so tomorrow, as I celebrate the day I was born, I will reflect on these three simple but powerful life questions. And I want to urge you to join me in doing the same. Because the truth is, life is not guaranteed… so we must live fully, love deeply and make a difference in the world with every breath we take and every moment we are given. And if upon your own self reflection, you don't feel like you're doing that enough then let this be your invitation to begin. 

If you know you want to live, love and matter more in the coming year but you aren't quite sure how to get there, then now is your chance to set yourself on the course to living a life you love by joining the Success Mastery Group today and receive access to a special Holiday Bonus Course designed to help you find peace from holiday pressures; bring forth love and joy over sadness; and maintain physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health through the holidays. 

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Michelle Weimer Coaching, Inc.

*Don't worry, I respect your privacy. Your information will not be shared. And you can unsubscribe at any time but you get to keep the Achieve Success System 7-Day Starter Kit forever! 


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