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Are You Stuck in Groundhog Day?

“Nothing changes, until you change. Everything changes, once you change.” ~Julian Lennon

Today is Groundhog Day here in the US… the day when we wait to see if a groundhog will see his shadow or not and then predict how much longer winter will last, as a result of the outcome. Kind of a zany (and not very accurate) event, but one that is rooted in tradition. As a matter of fact, Punxsutawney Phil has been giving his annual forecast in Pennsylvania since 1887.

This quirky tradition also became the setting for a movie back in the early 90’s called Groundhog Day. Where the main character, played by Bill Murray, gets stuck reliving the same day (Groundhog Day) over and over until he can get it right. After resisting his situation for some time, he eventually changes his attitude and then starts to make changes in his actions each day so that he can change the outcome of the day and eventually get what he wants.  

Do you ever get the feeling that every day is Groundhog Day for you too? Or maybe there are certain aspects of your life that have you feeling like you’re in a constant repetitive loop. It’s easy to get stuck in the same patterns, the same behaviors, the same outcomes – living the same day over and over – like Groundhog Day.

Sometimes we get stuck without even realizing it but other times, we know we are stuck but either don’t know how to change it or are just too afraid of the change. Whatever the case for you, if you don’t change something, nothing will change. Get it? Nothing changes if nothing changes. 

So, if you feel like you’re living the same bad day over and over or feel like the same frustrations, challenges, struggles, and outcomes keep replaying in your life, then let this be your wake-up call. (Or 6am alarm if you’ve seen the movie.) 😉 

I realize that change can be scary but so is being stuck in a bad pattern and feeling like nothing ever changes. Even if you can’t currently change your external circumstances, there’s most certainly something you have the power to change from within.

Begin evaluating what you’d like to change and then consider what might need to change first in order for that to happen. Do you need to change your attitude, a limiting belief, your thoughts, your behaviors, your habits, etc. What can you change from within so that change can begin to happen in your life?

Decide what you will change and then declare your commitment to be consistent with those changes so that you too can create a new day that is worth reliving over and over with joy and contentment.  

Day after day turns into week after week, month after month, year after year… this is your life. Are you living it the way you would like? If not, then start creating big change in your life today with the Achieve Success System. And as a special bonus, you’ll also receive a free KickStart Strategy Session.

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Michelle Weimer Coaching, Inc.

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