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Your Thoughts, Beliefs and Behaviors Equal Your Life

"The quality of your life is directly related to the quality of your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors." ~Michelle Weimer

If we’ve learned anything over the last eighteen months, it’s that life can be uncertain, unpredictable, and out of our complete control. So, although I certainly wouldn’t try to predict where the next year will take us, I do believe that regardless of those external circumstances, the quality of your life can be different, if you commit to shifting what you can control, which are your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors.

So as today is the first day of autumn, a time when everything is changing – the weather, the leaves, our clothes, and our activities – let’s also use this time of year to change our thoughts, our beliefs, and our behaviors. After all, the quality of your life is directly related to the quality of your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors so just as fall is a time when nature changes and lets go of the old in order to rest and prepare for the new that will come in the spring, wouldn’t it truly be a great time to let go of the old thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that aren’t serving you, to make way for new and better? You don’t have to go through life just surviving, you can live life thriving!

Let me help you get started:

Pay attention to your most common thoughts. Is there a pattern to those thoughts? Are they primarily negative, skeptical, judgmental, positive, hopeful, kind? Are they rooted in the past? The present or future? Is there a common theme? Like how busy you are, control, money, worry, fear, connection, lack, abundant, service? What kind of energy or emotion do they carry? Stress, joy, peace, anger, guilt, shame, love?   

Then decide which thoughts need to change. Which need to fall away from your tree of life in order to give you some rest and a clear space to make room for new thoughts? What would you like your new thoughts to be?

Now repeat this process with your beliefs. After all, where do you think most of your thoughts are rooted? Pay particular attention to your beliefs about yourself, others and the world. What beliefs are limiting or restricting you? What beliefs are empowering or expanding you? What beliefs are you ready to let go of? What beliefs must you remember more often? What new beliefs do you want to embrace and live by? 

Then examine your behaviors… What habits do you have that you know you need to stop? What new habits have you been putting off that you know you need to start? How do you behave when your thoughts are positive, negative, courageous, fearful? Are your behaviors reactionary or intentional? Prioritized and purposeful or random and busy? Guilt driven or passion driven?  

Once you've gone through this process with your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors then get ready for the change to come… What's your next step? Well, if you haven’t already joined the Five to Thrive Challenge, it’s not too late. Life is short and there are truly no guarantees, so why keep simply surviving when you can start thriving? This is your season for change!   

Join the Five to Thrive Challenge – Five Concepts in Five Days to Get You Back on Track and Ready to Not just Survive but to Thrive.

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Michelle Weimer Coaching, Inc.

*Don't worry, I respect your privacy. Your information will not be shared. And you can unsubscribe at any time but you get to keep the Achieve Success System 7-Day Starter Kit forever! 


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