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What Is The Story You’re Telling?

"You must have control of the authorship of your own destiny. The pen that writes your life story must be held in your own hand." - Irene C. Kassorla

Everyone has a story. For some it might feel like a mystery, a fairy tale, a drama, a love story, fiction, or fact. But perhaps what's most important...Is it holding you back?

I repeatedly hear "stories" from people about why they are like they are and why it has kept them stuck. They refer to all this as the "reasons" why they are stuck or struggling, why they haven't made changes or haven’t succeeded at their life’s dreams. But basically, what they really are - are the excuses that they've become comfortable with so that they don't have to step out of their comfort zone and change.

So I ask you, do you often find yourself saying things like: 

"Oh that's just the way I am.”  
"That's how I was raised." 
"My parents were this way, therefore, I'm..." 

Do you find yourself launching into a big "story" when something doesn't work out for you? A story filled with all the reasons why, inadvertently putting blame on this person or that situation from your past. If you are, then my friend, it is time to change your story!

Start with this: 

  • Schedule some time to sit quietly and briefly write your life story. Titling each chapter along the way.
  • When you are finished, read it over and look for themes or patterns.
  • Identify any significant occurrences (good or bad) that you believe might have had an influence on who you are today in a positive or negative way.
  • Is there anything you left out? Anything you want to add?

THEN - make the decision, right then and there, that the story of your past will no longer dictate the story that is yet to be written. The old story is history... the new story begins now.

On a blank page, write the title of the next chapter. What do you want it to be? Who do you want to be? How will your story shift? (In almost every story, especially in the hero's journey, there's always a shift.)

You are the author; you have the power to write whatever you choose! And yes, it is okay to make a change, edit, erase and start over. Just remember, your past may have influenced who you are, but it does not have to control you or keep you from being who you want to become.

Here's to happy endings! Now write your new story...

If you'd like to know more about how I can help you live the next chapter of your story, schedule a FREE 15 Minute Discovery Session now! 

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Michelle Weimer Coaching, Inc.

*Don't worry, I respect your privacy. Your information will not be shared. And you can unsubscribe at any time but you get to keep the Achieve Success System 7-Day Starter Kit forever! 


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