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Keep the Ripples of Love Going

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” ~Mother Teresa

As we wrap up February, let’s take a look at the journey of love we’ve been on all month. Inspired by the reality that our world could use some much-needed love and kindness right now, we’ve ventured into a month-long exploration and challenge to amplify the goodness within and share it generously with our families and communities. Reconnecting within to build self-love and create an extraordinary impact of cultivating love in our homes and communities. I am hopeful that this journey goes beyond the calendar and leaves an indelible mark on the very essence of who you are as we continue to create ripples of love to transform the world. So, if you missed any of these big ideas for little ways to exemplify love, then read on for this quick review and reminder. Let’s keep the love ripples rolling…

"Remember there’s no such...

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Love Your Family = Change The World

“If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” ~ Mother Teresa 

In the last several months, I’ve repeatedly spoken with others who are feeling a great need to do something to heal the current state of our world. Which is why I’ve been writing about this topic all month. And while I agree, our world is in dire need of healing, I also think that we can get so focused on what’s happening outside that we forget to look inside – inside ourselves and our own homes.

Don’t get me wrong, I do think it is important to do our best to be active parts of our community and support others with love and compassion, but sometimes we need to begin in our own space. Which is why when I saw today’s quote, it actually lit me up because it’s something I’ve been talking to several of my clients about. As a matter of fact, I recently told a group of women that I was working with, “If you want to change the world,...

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Journey of Love

"Your life is a journey of learning to love yourself first and then extending that love to others in every encounter."  ~Oprah

Last week I challenged you to double down on your goodness to others. Because quite honestly, our world needs to reconnect and embrace loving kindness as a consistent practice in order to begin to heal. But if you don’t love yourself or your life, it can be difficult to extend love to others. Think about it, those people in the world that are so hateful and mean… do you think they actually love themselves or their life? I’m guessing, no.  

Loving yourself plays an important part in how you show up in the world. Once you love and respect yourself, you can give to others from a heart full of love, respect, generosity and kindness. But if you don't have enough love for yourself or your life, then a couple things can happen.

Either you find you give what little you do have to others with no regard for yourself. This is what I call...

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Double Down On Your Goodness

“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” ~Scott Adams

Every year, for every holiday, birthday and special occasion, my mother-in-law sends us a care package. This Valentine’s Day is no different. Over the weekend I opened my mailbox to find a cute little package addressed to my family, full of cards and chocolates in honor of the upcoming holiday. It almost made me cry because I thought of the effort it must have required of her- to get to the store and then the post office, to ensure that we got this special package on time. (Some days I don’t even make it to my mailbox to mail a bill! Let alone do all she did.) She is willing to make that extra effort to show her love. And this is just one example of the little things she does all the time. So why am I telling you this (outside of the fact that I want you to know what a wonderful mother-in-law I have)?

Because I want to challenge...

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Cultivate Happiness

“Happiness is a habit. Cultivate it.” ~ Elbert Hubbard

Last week I shared with you that happiness is a choice and I challenged you to be the sunshine for yourself and others. This week I want to share a few simple ideas with you on how to cultivate more happiness in your life on a regular basis so you can in fact choose happiness and be the sunshine! Let’s go…

Guard Your Energy – Being around negative people who are unhappy with their current circumstances and unwilling to empower themselves with hope and hard work to create a better future, can be a real energy suck and emotional drain. Guarding yourself from that negative energy will help you keep your soul fire burning. Ever heard someone called a “wet blanket” it’s a term used to describe someone who spoils other people’s fun. So, you can see how they’d easily put out your fire. And how can you be the light that shines for others if you’re around people who are...

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