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Productivity and Success

“Each minute is a little thing, and yet, with respect to our personal productivity, to manage the minute is the secret of success.” ~ Joseph B. Wirthlin

How successful you are, can often be equated to how productive you are. It certainly isn’t the only factor to success. But let’s be real here… if you aren’t productive, you probably aren’t going to get far in your quest for success and you’re definitely not going to get there very fast. Of course, it’s important to remember that just being busy, marking things off a to-do list, it isn’t enough.

The tasks and actions you choose to focus on need to be in alignment with your ultimate goals in order for that productivity to really be of value. Anything otherwise, is just a distraction or detour from your true path to your desired life.

Sadly though, most people struggle with consistent, high levels of productivity. (And remember if we are making the parallel here that...

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Practice Patience

“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

When was the last time you slowed down? When was the last time you just got quiet and still, enjoyed the present moment and paid attention to what was going on around you? Do you have patience with yourself? With others? Do you have patience when working on a project or in the pursuit of your dreams? Or do you get impatient and give up too soon?

I get it, sometimes it’s hard to have patience. I’m guilty of not always having patience myself. And I’m guessing you can probably relate.

Everyone is in a hurry to get to the next big thing. We all push on, but rarely do we take the time to sit quietly and be still. Rarely do we take the time to just be present and observe life around us. It’s so easy to want things to happen quickly. We live in an instant gratification society. But sometimes, fulfilling a dream takes patience and perseverance.

Too often, people just give up when...

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Cultivate Happiness

“Happiness is a habit. Cultivate it.” ~ Elbert Hubbard

Last week I shared with you that happiness is a choice and I challenged you to be the sunshine for yourself and others. This week I want to share a few simple ideas with you on how to cultivate more happiness in your life on a regular basis so you can in fact choose happiness and be the sunshine! Let’s go…

Guard Your Energy – Being around negative people who are unhappy with their current circumstances and unwilling to empower themselves with hope and hard work to create a better future, can be a real energy suck and emotional drain. Guarding yourself from that negative energy will help you keep your soul fire burning. Ever heard someone called a “wet blanket” it’s a term used to describe someone who spoils other people’s fun. So, you can see how they’d easily put out your fire. And how can you be the light that shines for others if you’re around people who are...

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Be The Sunshine!

“When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.”

A dear friend of mine recently posted a picture of her home with bright rays of sunshine beaming down. Her caption read,

“In these hard times, don’t forget to shine your light friends.” ☀️

It reminded me of a post I did years ago, which still rings true today. So, I thought I’d pull one from the archives and share it with you this week. Enjoy… and most importantly, be the sunshine! ☀️ 

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Life isn’t always full of sunshine, there are cloudy gloomy days. We all have heartbreaks and sorrows in our lives at times. We all have struggles. Maybe you or someone you know is struggling right now. But know this, happiness is a choice. If you are finding that there hasn’t been a lot of sunshine in your life recently or maybe you know someone that has been struggling and hasn’t had a lot of sunshine in their life lately, then this...

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Declare Freedom from What's Ruling Your Life

“If you dare declare that you are free, free you are this moment. If you say you are bound, bound you will remain.” ~Swami Vivekananda

We just celebrated Independence Day here in the US and with it the reminder of our freedom. So, in honor of the holiday, I thought I’d focus on this concept of freedom. And perhaps help you shed some light on what it is that might be keeping you from having a sense of freedom in your own life at times.

We’ve all had things in our lives that weigh us down or make us feel trapped. And it can be difficult to see a way out when you are feeling stuck. But there is always a way to create a better sense of fulfillment and freedom in your life! It may not always be easy. And often people would rather stay stuck where they are, than make the effort to change themselves or their situations, but if you are someone that is tired of feeling caged in certain areas of your life, then please know, it is possible to achieve a sense of...

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Discipline Equals Freedom

“Through discipline comes freedom.”  ~ Aristotle

Summertime is the perfect time for taking vacations. And having free time is important to your overall well-being and happiness. I take a lot of time off in the summer with my family. (As a matter of fact, as I type this, I’ve just returned from being away and am getting ready to leave again.) But the one thing I know is that if I’m not disciplined enough to get my work done, it’s not only hard to get away but also hard to enjoy my time off, knowing that I have pressing projects or to-do’s hanging over my head. Not to mention the fact that if I don’t have discipline in getting things done, I will never achieve or be successful with anything. As Jim Rohn says, “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”

That’s why this week’s quote, although so simple, is so very profound. It has been a complete game changer for me. Although, I will admit that...

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Vision and Action Move Dreams to Reality

“In order to make a visualization a reality in the world of form, you must be willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.” ~ Wayne Dyer

You’re clear about your future identity and your ideal future. You’re committed to your visualization practice. So now what?

Well, the power of manifestation is not complete until you take action. Yes, you can visualize yourself owning a successful company, vacationing in exotic places, having a fit body, doing a TED Talk, being in a loving relationship, etc. but without action they stay dreams. Visualization gives you clarity and confidence to take action when the opportunities you're manifesting show up. And then, it is the actions you take when those opportunities present themselves, that turn your vision into reality. But you will not see results without action.  

For example, let’s say you’ve visualized yourself being an Olympic athlete. You can dream and visualize it all you want. But...

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Visualization Techniques to Affirm Your Desired Outcomes

“When you visualize, then you materialize.” ~Denis Waitley

If you’re following along in this series, then you know that last week I shared several powerful benefits of utilizing visualization to dynamically create the future you desire. But I realize that starting something new can feel awkward or difficult. Maybe you’ve tried visualization before – once or twice. But “just couldn’t get into it.” I hear you… but don’t worry. There’s more than one way to practice visualization and I have no doubt that with a little effort, you can find something that you can easily do AND enjoy doing.

Which is what this post is all about! I want to give you several simple techniques you can choose from, to practice visualizing your future identity and your desired future, as if you’ve already achieved it all. So what do you think? Are you ready to have an open mind and commit to a practice of visualization, in order to be...

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Create Your Ideal Future In 10 Minutes A Day

“Whatever goal you give to your subconscious mind, it will work night and day to achieve it.”  ~Jack Canfield

Last week I challenged you to begin the practice of visualization to be able to clearly create your future identity because without having a clear vision for your future, it can be difficult to create it. Did you give it a try? What? You forgot. It was hard to start. You got busy. You just didn’t have time. Hmmm…

Sure, I’ve heard all those reasons (aka excuses) before.

But what if I told you that research shows, you can dramatically increase your odds of creating your ideal future by practicing visualization in as little as 10 minutes a day? Do you have 10 minutes to spare for the sake of making your dreams a reality?

That’s right… While in order to get the best results, it is vital to be consistent with a daily visualization practice, you don’t need to spend all day thinking about your goals for visualization to be...

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Creating Your Future Identity

“A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.” ~ Denis Waitley

People often say they want a different life, but they can’t really picture themselves living it. Or they say they want to be a different person, but they can’t truly visualize themselves being that person. As a matter of fact, they can’t see themselves anywhere but where they are right now or where they’ve come from.

What about you? Can you picture your future identity and your future life? Can you see past where you are right now or what you know from your past, to truly envision and create the dreams of your future?

Not being able to visualize your future identity can be one of the biggest factors to why you might not be moving forward in your life and why you’ll struggle or fail to get to where you want to be or who you want to be. But don’t worry,...

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