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Masterful Mindsets

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Does the Future Scare You?

"Trust yourself. Trust your path." ~unknown

Ever worry about the future? I know, dumb question, right? I don’t know anyone who at some point or another… sometimes or maybe always… worries about the future. It happens. So, I want to tell you about an experience I had recently in hopes that it might serve as a reminder to you that you don’t have to be afraid of the future.

See, I’ve been losing sleep lately. Yes, maybe it’s my unruly midlife hormones fluctuating up and down but on top of that, it’s the worry and fear I’ve been feeling for the future. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve also been feeling a great deal of excitement for the future. Our family is on the cusp of some big transitions....

My oldest daughter, in her second year of college, has been learning the not so fun parts of adulting and with every year that goes by, she gets closer to full adulthood with all it's responsibilities. The uncertainty of where...

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Afraid of Career Change? Build a Plan & Leap Courageously into Your Future

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” ~Socrates

As we come to the end of our series on loving your work, if you know you don’t love what you do, and can’t seem to get the passion back, perhaps you realized it’s time for a change. I know it can be scary to put yourself out there, especially if you’re not sure you have what it takes to change, but you don’t have to be afraid of career change. You just need to build a plan so you can be prepared to put your best foot forward.  

Last week I shared some valuable components that you will want to gain clarity on before considering a career change. No use changing if you don’t know why you’re changing or what you really want. (Missed it? Read it here.) Once you’ve gotten that clarity, you’re ready to build your plan and take a leap into a new career.

Build an understanding of the market.


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Do You See a Career Change In Your Future?

 “In a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks. – Warren Buffet

If after last week’s post, you’ve taken the fear goggles off and can now see clearly that it’s time for a career change… that’s great!

I know it can be scary but once you make that decision it can be much easier than you think, especially when you go into your career transition with clarity and confidence. Plus, I’m willing to bet you’ll look back later and be glad you did it. So, in this post, we'll discuss how to find clarity (especially when feeling overwhelmed by your options) and then next week I’ll share some important steps you need to take before leaping into a new career.

Clarity Builds Confidence and Gives Direction

When you know what you want, and why you want it, you can be sure that your efforts will be focused on bringing the results they were meant to—and...

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So You Hate Your Job… Now What?

“If you work hard at a job you hate, imagine what you could do at a job you love?”  ~Michelle Weimer

As we continue this conversation about loving your work, it amazes me how many people not only don’t love their jobs, they don’t even like them. Work is where you spend at least a third of your day. Why would you continue to allow yourself to be miserable, day after day in a job you hate? 

The short answer - most people feel stuck and can't see a way out...

I talk to so many people who feel that they are stuck and can’t change careers even though they are miserable doing what they are doing. And I’ve had numerous clients hire me because of this exact problem. They feel like their career is going nowhere, they don’t really love or even like what they do but yet, they feel trapped into staying because they have bills to pay, they don’t want to lose their benefits, they don’t know what else they want to do, how to do it,...

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Get Your Purpose and Passion Back for Your Life’s Work

“The success of your life’s work is fueled by the love you have for that work. And that love is nurtured when you keep your purpose and passion in the forefront of everything you do.” ~ Michelle Weimer

I heard from several of you after last week’s Masterful Mindset. The common theme for many was that they “used to” love their work. But they feel they’ve lost their drive and are too burnt out to care much anymore. The combination of hectic schedules and demanding workloads full of mundane tasks have overtaken the passion and joy that used to be what drove them to show up fully everyday with purpose.

The big question I keep getting… How do you get that purpose and passion back?  

Well, if you’re finding that your problem is not that you don’t love what you do, but that as you go through the wearisome routines of day-to-day tasks or tackle overwhelming projects with underwhelming results, you’re feeling like...

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Do you ❤ your work?

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”  ~Steve Jobs

The longer version if the above quote by Steve Jobs, is this:

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.

So, what about you? Do you love what you do? Are you passionately performing at mastery level doing your life’s work or just going through the motions at a job that does nothing more than pay the bills? The time you spend working really is a large part of your life. So why spend a lifetime any other way then doing great work that you love?

Whether you are an employee, an entrepreneur, the CEO of a multi-million-dollar company or a stay-at-home parent (And don’t kid yourself – that is a...

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Productivity Is Never an Accident

"Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort." ~Paul J. Meyer

Over the last several weeks I’ve shared with you that productivity is a key component to success so today, let’s review and get you ready to win!

Your level of productivity and success can be directly affected by your level of clarity, your level of energy and your level of courage.

Clarity - Setting yourself up for success when it comes to productivity starts with making sure you have a clear vision for what your goals and dreams are. Knowing what you want and why you want it. The deeper connection you have to why you want it, the more it will help you stay motivated.

Then preparing and creating a clear plan is extremely helpful for keeping yourself on track. Make sure you have a timeline for completion of the project as well as the tasks/actions necessary to move you in the direction you want to go to get you to the...

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Can Courage Improve Productivity?

“You always have two choices: your commitment versus your fear.” ~ Sammy Davis, Jr.

You commit to a project or goal… maybe you’re excited about it or maybe it’s just one of those must do kind of things. Either way, as you get started, you feel something shift inside. Fear starts to creep in. Can I do this? Do I know what I’m doing? Am I good enough? And suddenly, every little excuse and distraction seem to work to keep you from making progress. You no longer know what your next action should be. You aren’t even clear anymore on the goal or how to get there. You procrastinate and you’re tired even thinking about it… Sound familiar?

Over the last few weeks, I’ve shared that if you want to be highly productive, it’s important to have clarity about what your goal is plus the plan for reaching it. As well as how important your mental and physical energy are to being productive. But if you don’t have courage to...

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Do You Need More Time or Just More Energy?

“Without gas in your car, it doesn’t matter if you know where you’re going. You won’t reach your destination. Likewise, without mental and physical energy, you probably won’t reach your goals either.” ~MW

Let’s face it, we all have the same 24 hours in a day. But some people manage to get so much more done than others. You look at them and wonder how they do it. Or more specifically, you may wonder how they have the energy to do it all!

See the reality is, often it’s not that we need more time to get things done but rather, more energy.

Do you have enough energy to get everything you want accomplished each day or do you find that you are so tired by mid-day that it’s hard to focus and finish the day strong?  

The best laid plans will not come to fruition if you don’t have the mental and physical energy needed to take action toward achieving them. That’s why high levels of energy are a key element to high...

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Productivity Requires Prioritized Clarity

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.”  ~Steven Covey

Prioritizing clarity is a crucial first step if you want to increase your productivity and reach your goals! When you have clarity about what your goals are, you have a detailed plan for what needs to be done to complete them and in what timeframe, plus you know why these goals or dreams are truly important to you; you will have a laser focused vision for your journey to success.  

Ask Yourself:

  • Do you have a clear vision of your goals and dreams?
  • Do you have a plan and know what you need to do daily, weekly, monthly to keep yourself on track?
  • Do you stay focused and in action on the priority tasks necessary to achieve success in your personal and professional life?
  • Do you know exactly why reaching these goals are important to you?

Having clarity and focus helps you eliminate distractions. Think “bright shiny object syndrome”...

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