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Sneaky Bad Habits That Drain Your Energy

“People with purpose and goals have no time for drama. They invest their energy in things that will add value to their life and others.” ~Unknown

We all know that there are those common bad habits like not getting enough sleep, not eating healthy, poor stress management, etc. that can steal your energy. And yes, sadly even though we know we could be doing better, by improving those habits, common sense isn’t always common practice. So many people find they don’t have the energy they need to be as happy and productive as they’d like.

But what about those sneaky little bad habits that maybe you don’t even realize are draining your energy? That’s what I’ll be talking about today as we finish up this month’s series on Energy.

Take a look at the list below and think about how often you engage in these bad habits. Odds are, like with most habits, you do them without even thinking about what you are doing. They may be reactive...

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The Power of Focused Energy

“Many people fail in life, not for lack of ability or brains or even courage but simply because they have never organized their energies around a goal.” ~ Elbert Hubbard

Often what keeps people from being highly productive is not a lack of time but instead, a lack of energy – mental and physical energy are necessary in order to be a high performer. But what about when you have that energy, you’re extremely busy marking things off a to-do list but still, you’re not really achieving success? What’s missing?

Well, if you had to clean dried up, stuck on food from a kitchen sink, would you use a strainer full of water? And if you did, how likely would it be that the gunk would come right off?

I realize this seems like a silly analogy but stay with me here…

Water in a strainer flows out everywhere and yes covers a lot of area but that tough spot that is stuck, it doesn’t budge because the water doesn’t have enough concentrated...

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The Influence of Your Energetic Presence

“The energy you radiate has the power to influence everyone you encounter.” - Michelle Weimer

This week’s topic of energy ties in with last month’s series on influence because of the fact that today I want to talk about how your energetic presence affects and influences those you are around.

If you are upbeat and highly energetic both physically and emotionally, people around you can feel that energy. Likewise, if you are putting out negative energy and emotions, the people around you are going to feel that as well. Take that thought in for a minute and think about the energy you’ve been giving off. How do you think it’s affecting those around you?

Now think about this, if you had the power to control the quality of air your family is breathing, would you fill the room with a toxic gas that could ultimately harm them? Of course not! Instead you’d want to pump it full of pure life-giving air. And yet, if you are giving off negative energy...

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Release Negative Emotions and Increase Positive Energy

“Positive emotional energy is the key to health, happiness and wellbeing. The more positive you are, the better your life will be in every area.” ~Brian Tracy

This month we’ll be focusing on Energy because I want to help you understand just how important energy is to your overall happiness and success.

I’m fairly certain most people don’t take care to maintain near high enough levels of energy. The majority don’t even realize just how many different types of energy we carry. For most people, when they hear talk of energy, the first (and often only) thing they think about is physical energy or physical health. And yes, that is extremely important. However, that is only one facet of our energy that we must care for. So instead of kicking off this topic with that most common, physical energy (even though of course, improving our physical wellbeing is essential) I want to begin with something different that you might not even be aware of.

See, in...

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Role Model the Way For Others

“You don’t have to be a “person of influence” to be influential. In fact, the most influential people in my life are probably not even aware of the things they’ve taught me.” ~ Scott Adams

If you were to think about the people who have been role models to you in your life, I would be willing to bet that the majority of them never really knew they were your role model. So now ponder that for a minute… How many people then, have you likely been a role model to that you have no idea you’ve influenced? Kind of gives you chills, right? I mean, think about how you show up every single day of your life. What are you modeling to others? What energy are you giving out that others are absorbing? What habits or behaviors do you model that someone else is likely learning from you? What mindset or beliefs is someone picking up from you that are becoming their own? And maybe the most important question… Is the model you are being worth...

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Challenge and Inspire Others

“Influence is not about elevating yourself, but about lifting others.” ~ Sheri Dew 

Last week I asked you to think about a person in your life that was highly influential to you. Maybe that person was a role model that you followed and looked up to. Someone who led you to the beliefs that you now live by. Maybe they taught you to think about things in new and different ways. Or maybe they were someone who was always challenging you to step up and be your best! Inspiring you to dream bigger and encouraging you to go after those dreams!

It is my hope that you were able to think of more than one person who has been highly influential in your life. I know that I have more than one. Some filling different roles and some coming at different times in my life. And while I am thankful for all of them, I am particularly thankful for the ones who inspire and challenge me! I would not be near the person I am today, if it weren’t for the people who have challenged me to...

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Lead Others to Think Differently

“Don’t adapt to the energy in the room. Influence the energy in the room.”

During difficult or uncertain times, we not only have an opportunity to lead others, but for many, it is our duty to do it. Especially for those who know they have people who look to them for guidance. So how do you really influence people? That’s the topic of this post, as we dive deeper into our series on influence. But first, think about someone in your life that has been highly influential to you. It could be someone in your personal life or your professional life, someone from your past or someone recent. How did they demonstrate influence?

Was the first person that came to mind someone that influenced you in a positive or negative way? Examine that for yourself for a little while. It might have a big impact on how you perceive influence. If the experience was negative, you could see influence as a negative thing. (And it can be for some.) Which might make you shy away from...

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YOU are an Influencer! So Lead Well

“Lead and They Will Follow”

How you choose to show up each day, influences the people around you. Think about that long and hard right now… You may not realize how important it is or how influential you are. But you have the opportunity to influence people in your personal and professional life every single day. That’s powerful and it’s not to be taken lightly. Yet most people never ever stop to think about the fact that their words, energy, and actions are influencing others.

I recently hosted a training for my online community to help them learn how to thrive during uncertain times because the truth is, life is uncertain and none of us are exempt from having to deal with uncertainty in our lives. Through the training I was able to guide and lead others by giving them a new way to think about uncertainty. I also shared tools they could utilize to better navigate through uncertainty when it arises. Then I challenged them to level up and be...

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Worry Lies - The Truth

“The truth will set you free” ~ John 8:32

As we come to the end of this series on the lies that worry tells us, it’s important to note that worry and fear are two different things. Sometimes fear creates worry and sometimes, worry can create fear. For example, the fear of the unknown can cause us to worry about the future. And worrying about the future can stoke the fire of fear, making it grow out of control and keeping us from ever stepping forward into the future we want to create.

I could go on and on about the differences between worry and fear but that's a much bigger topic, so I won’t get into that today. For now, just keep in mind that there will always be things we fear. And that’s okay. True fear isn’t always within our control, and it is sometimes necessary in order to keep us safe. But worry is within our control and it rarely, if ever serves a purpose. So, if we don’t want our fear to paralyze us and hold us back, then it is...

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Worry Lies - Part 3

“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.” ~ Victor Hugo

In the past few years, our world has become increasingly filled with worry and fear. However, I did not create this series solely because of the uncertainty and turmoil that has ensued since this decade began. Because the truth is, worry is always there, ready to pounce and leaving us feeling as if we can’t possibly breathe from the weight of the worry in our hearts. We may never be completely exempt from worry. But we also must remember that more times than not, worry lies. (So, if you missed any of the series thus far, feel free to click on each lie below to catch up.)

As a refresher, the three common lies worry tells us that I’ve been examining in this series are:

  1. The worst is going to happen.
  2. You can’t handle it.
  3. This will last forever.

Moving forward, today I am continuing our series on the three big lies that worry tells us, where those lies often come from and...

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